Thursday, September 8, 2011

Life is short and opinions are plentiful.

I do not believe for one second that my opinions are correct nor do I believe they are wrong. They surely are not for everyone.

First and foremost I am a mom to seven plus one, beautiful children ranging from 24-2 years of age. I have seen my share of heartbreak and successes both as a woman and as a mom. I am not a perfect parent, woman, wife or person.

I live in one of the most beautiful areas of the world; the great lakes region. I remind myself every morning when I awake and the sun rises, that I have blessed to have another day.

Tomorrow is Friday September 9, 2011 (9/09/2011) there is a significance in this day for me. Current Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan declared the above mentioned date as FASD awareness date for our state.

FASD is a side effect a baby faces while still being in utero and mom consumes alcohol. See my “plus one” is my great nephew who has FASD Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. For those of you not familiar with this day, please note the significance of the use of the number nine - 9/9/11 at 9:09 AM (for 9 months of pregnancy). His little life is forever changed; the seemingly normal milestones for a FASD baby is so much greater and immensely difficult. Not only does he face a life of learning difficulties, but he also has behavior disregulation, speech and language issues and potentially undiscovered issues being as he is only 28 months old. So if anyone you know is pregnant and consuming alcohol please persuade them to stop during their pregnancy.